Logistics Management exams

There will be 2 EXAMS for this course.

First exam will cover the chapters from 1-8.

Second exam will cover chapter 9-15.

Your task is to read and understand each chapter before doing the 2 exams, and to ensure that you will achieve high grade in the both exams (at least 93%). The 2 exams will contain the following questions: true/false, multiple choice, short answer, and few problems.

On the Exams day I will share with you Login information (User name and the password as well as University website), Also,

In case if the exams date changed, or if I got any additional information from the instructor about the 2 exams will share it with you immediately.

Below is the book name and the course required chapters. Also, on the attached you will find the book in PDF format for your reference.


Gourdin, Kent N. (2006). Global Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the 21st Century. (2nd Ed.) Wiley/Blackwell.

First Exam on October 24, 2019 – from Chapter 1-8, and this exam contains 34 questions and should be answered in 90 minutes.

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction to Logistics
  • Chapter 2 – Logistics in the Organization
  • Chapter 3 – Customer Service
  • Chapter 4 – Inventory Management
  • Chapter 5 – Global Transportation Systems
  • Chapter 6 – Transportation Management Issues
  • Chapter 7 – Warehousing
  • Chapter 8 – Materials Handling and Packaging

Second Exam on December 12, 2019 12am until 3pm – from Chapter 9-15, and this exam contains 30 questions and should be answered in 90 minutes.

  • Chapter 9 – Managing Logistics Information
  • Chapter 10 – Inbound Logistics and Purchasing
  • Chapter 11 – The Global Logistics Environment
  • Chapter 12 – Logistics Strategies
  • Chapter 13 – Developing High-Quality Logistics Systems
  • Chapter 14 – Improving Logistics Performance
  • Chapter 15 – Organizing for Logistics Effectiveness

Kindly not that the problem may be found in the internet with a little bit change in numbers or some information, so please DO NOT SOLVE THE EXAMS PROBLEMS FROM INTERNET as the instructor mentioned that in the class.

NOTE: I will extend the due date later as STUDYPOOL don’t provide more than 23 days, which i did now.

Again the the date of the 2 exams as following:

First Exam on October 24, 2019 – from Chapter 1-8, and this exam contains 34 questions and should be answered in 90 minutes.

Second Exam on December 12, 2019 12am until 3pm – from Chapter 9-15, and this exam contains 30 questions and should be answered in 90 minutes.

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