All projects must include a search and review of relevant and credible literature presented in a 4-page report. This should provide background for the project and/or provide the basis for the methodologies being used in the project. For example, if you are developing a Web site for a client, you might focus on the software tools you use and when they might be used or a topic such as usability, if that is your focus. Your Literature Review should include the sources, a brief description of the content of each source, and the applicability to your project. It is anticipated that you will review 10 – 15 scholarly articles, technical Web sites, or books, depending on the type of project.
The sources should be credible and not just the opinion of a specific individual. They should be verified as credible and cited in the APA format. Both bibliography and in-text citation compliant with the APA format are enforced in this project. Each source should be listed with a paragraph explaining the contents of the document and why it is relevant to your project. The literature review is subject to a formal review process, with a draft being submitted to Dr. Liu for feedback and comments, and your responses and revisions being provided based on the professor’s review on your draft. A completed, final version of the literature review shall be submitted by the corresponding deadline.
Here is a good resource as for how to do a literature review: https://guides.library.ucsc.
You need to provide critique as well as integration of the literature you have gathered instead of providing summary only.
- Four or more pages, excluding the cover page, honor pledge and the bibliography page;
- One and half line spacing;
- Font type: Times New Roman;
- Font size: 12 points;
- Must comply with the APA format (both in-text citations and bibliography).
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