In the video, 5 ways to listen better, Julian Treasure lists five exercises for learning to listen better. For this assignment, you will devote one day of the week to practicing each of these.

1. Monday: Silence
2. Tuesday: The mixer
3. Wednesday: Savoring (hidden choir)
4. Thursday: Listening positions (active/passive; reductive/expansive; critical/empathic)
5. Friday: Receive, appreciate, summarise, ask: RASA

Please write about your experience practicing each of these in a journal. You should write 200 words about each, or 1000 words for the week. You don’t need to edit or refine your journal entries. Your rough thoughts and reactions are all that’s needed. Ideally, you’d keep a journal during the day and then write up the day’s notes in the evening or at night on your mobile device or computer so you can submit the digital file rather than having to scan your journal.

Each of the five entries should describe the time(s), place(s) and situation(s). This information should be followed by what you experienced during the exercise. You should spend at least 30 minutes on each exercise. This may be at one time or broken up throughout the day.

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