Liberty University RGLN 105 Quiz 3 RGLN 105-B01        Fall 2018                   Quiz 3                                    Score: 54/75 (3 pt.) · · Question 1 3 out of 3 points We are called to glorify God in our: · Question 2 3 out of 3 points The creation and the creator are distinct. · Question 3 3 out of 3 points The Grand Story begins with the coming of Christ. · Question 4 3 out of 3 points Every worldview makes _______________ called presuppositions. · Question 5 0 out of 3 points To understand how humanity sinned we need to know the law that God gave Adam to keep · Question 6 3 out of 3 points The Christian view of creation is that it was made for the glory of God. · Question 7 3 out of 3 points A biblical worldview is based from the framework of the Bible. · Question 8 3 out of 3 points The Grand Story is also called a “metanarrative”. · Question 9 3 out of 3 points According to the bible the ultimate result (or wage) of “sin” is___________. · Question 10 0 out of 3 points Sin has impacted every aspect and avenue of human relationships. · Question 11 3 out of 3 points One result of sin is that humans worship creation rather than the creator. · Question 12 3 out of 3 points The “divine image” gives an important clue about what human beings are made for. · Question 13 3 out of 3 points According to Ryken, the earth and its environment was created for mankind to enjoy so it is impossible to neglect or abuse our use of it. · Question 14 3 out of 3 points According to Ryken, Adam and Eve, are not real individuals but are allegorical representations of the human race. · Question 15 0 out of 3 points According to Ryken, theologians define Total Depravity to mean that “we are as sinful as we could possibly be” · Question 16 3 out of 3 points Richard Dawkins is a renown: · Question 17 3 out of 3 points The “Creation Mandate”, as referred to by theologians, means that ________________. · Question 18 3 out of 3 points A major negative consequence of the Fall (sin) was the alienation between God and man. A positive outcome was that  it drew Adam and Eve closer in their relationship. · Question 19 0 out of 3 points Sin corrupts our desires so that we set our affections on unholy things. · Question 20 0 out of 3 points Sin leads to humans taking responsibility for their own sin. · Question 21 3 out of 3 points The world is the way it is and we are the way we are because of ________. · Question 22 0 out of 3 points The consequences of sin are: · Question 23 3 out of 3 points According to Ryken, human beings are ___________________________ · Question 24 3 out of 3 points The dictionary defines worldview as “the overall __________________ from which one sees and interprets the world.” · Question 25 0 out of 3 points Evolutionary naturalism states that we are the product of design and destiny.

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