Liberty University PSYC 420 quiz 2 Quiz 2 PSYC 420-B03 QUESTION 1 1.      If we accept that Christian proposition that the physical world is a created realm. We must then ask about the nature of _____. 2 points QUESTION 2 1.      How does the cosmological principle differ from what the human race has believed for the majority of its history? + 2 points QUESTION 3 1.      According to Entwistle, how do Christians view supernatural and natural explanations of phenomena? 2 points QUESTION 4 1.      The nature of the origin of the world and the nature of source of ethical values and of beauty would be considered issues under what area of study? 2 points QUESTION 5 1.      A worldview can survive without an ethical system with a set of guidelines for which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. 2 points QUESTION 6 1.      In the Eastern world, most people are either naturalists or supernaturalisms. 2 points QUESTION 7 1.      _______ can be viewed as a position that cannot be proved but that can be defended. 2 points QUESTION 8 1.      Which of the following is not identified as a goal of psychology? Improvement of human life 2 points QUESTION 9 1.      According to Entwistle, both psychologists and theologians develop theories from _____________. 2 points QUESTION 10 1.      Theology is based on the premises that the world is an orderly place in which observation can lead to awareness of the regularities of the phenomena. ·         Question 1 2 out of 2 points Once psychological theories are developed, Selected Answer: ·         Question 2 2 out of 2 points In the beginning of chapter 6, Entwistle talks about his appreciation for aesthetics. C. S. Lewis would call the author Selected Answer: ·         Question 3 0 out of 2 points _______ can be viewed as a position that cannot be proved but that can be defended. Selected Answer: ·         Question 4 2 out of 2 points A worldview can survive without an ethical system with a set of guidelines for which behaviors are acceptable and which are not. Selected Answer: False ·         Question 5 2 out of 2 points According to the text, a Christian view of humanity begins with _____ and ______. Selected Answer: ·         Question 6 0 out of 2 points What is the difference between how Christianity and psychology look at human nature? Selected Answer: ·         Question 7 2 out of 2 points Which of the following is not identified as a goal of psychology? Selected Answer: ·         Question 8 2 out of 2 points Theology is based on the premises that the world is an orderly place in which observation can lead to awareness of the regularities of the phenomena. Selected Answer: False ·         Question 9 0 out of 2 points Character is shaped through what, according to Aristotle? Selected Answer: ·         Question 10 2 out of 2 points What is theodicy the study of? Selected Answer:

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