Liberty University EDUC 750 QUIZ 2 EDUC 750 QUIZ 2 · Question 1 3 out of 3 points In a study of school attendance patterns for Girl Scout Troop 1234, gender would be considered a (n): · Question 2 3 out of 3 points Which type of validity is used when no clear criterion exists for validation purposes? · Question 3 3 out of 3 points The definition of a concept is closely related to: · Question 4 3 out of 3 points Asking questions is the basis of surveys, and experimental and qualitative research. · Question 5 3 out of 3 points The process of connecting concepts to observations is called: · Question 6 3 out of 3 points Data derived from historical documents or policy reports would be considered an unobtrusive measure. · Question 7 3 out of 3 points Few resources, less qualified teachers, and lower academic performance are characteristics of: · Question 8 0 out of 3 points At the nominal level of measurement, a variable’s attributes are exhaustive when: · Question 9 3 out of 3 points A researcher who reverses the order of the response choices in an index and then re-administers that index to subjects is likely trying to establish _____ reliability. · Question 10 3 out of 3 points Triangulation refers to the: · Question 11 3 out of 3 points According to the authors, available online data are often inaccurate. · Question 12 3 out of 3 points Which of the following is NOT an unobtrusive measure, as outlined by Webb et al. (2000)? · Question 13 3 out of 3 points In order to evaluate the quality of a sample, the population must be clearly stated. · Question 14 3 out of 3 points How many steps are involved in systematic random sampling? · Question 15 3 out of 3 points Understanding sampling distributions is the foundation for understanding how statisticians can estimate sampling error. · Question 16 3 out of 3 points The larger the _____, the less _____ the findings. · Question 17 3 out of 3 points Which type of research would be most likely to involve a nonprobability sampling method? · Question 18 3 out of 3 points Individual members of a sample whose characteristics are being measured are called: · Question 19 3 out of 3 points Any single random sample can be thought of as just one of an infinite number of random samples that, in theory, could have been selected from the population. · Question 20 3 out of 3 points _____ sampling is another term for haphazard sampling. · Question 21 0 out of 3 points The smaller the sample size, the less sampling error. · Question 22 3 out of 3 points Snowball sampling would be most useful for studying which one of the following groups? · Question 23 3 out of 3 points A study sampling students at Pine Ridge Elementary in Beachside, Iowa would represent the population of: · Question 24 3 out of 3 points When may sampling be unnecessary? · Question 25 3 out of 3 points Sample generalizability refers to:

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