Liberty University BIOL 102 Quiz 5 · Question 1 3 out of 3 points ?Which cells mature in the thymus gland? + · Question 2 3 out of 3 points ?Which line of defense is the body’s inborn, general defense mechanism? · Question 3 3 out of 3 points During swallowing food, which structure moves downward to prevent food from entering the trachea?? · Question 4 3 out of 3 points Cigarette smoking causes ____.? · Question 5 3 out of 3 points The major nerve that controls inspiratory activity is the ____.? · Question 6 3 out of 3 points Under normal conditions how much air from each breath is considered “dead space” air?? · Question 7 3 out of 3 points ?The third line of defense against foreign invaders is ____. · Question 8 3 out of 3 points ?Which portion of the lymphatic system is the major site of antibody production? · Question 9 3 out of 3 points Which disorder is characterized by bronchiole spasms?? · Question 10 3 out of 3 points ?The enzyme found in mucus that destroys bacteria is ____. · Question 11 3 out of 3 points The double-layered membrane that covers the lungs is the ____.? · Question 12 3 out of 3 points Because of hemoglobin, blood is able to carry ____ times more oxygen than what can dissolve in the blood.? · Question 13 3 out of 3 points What is found in the space between the two parts of the pleural membrane?? · Question 14 3 out of 3 points In order for an oxygen molecule to enter the blood from the lungs it must first cross the ____.? · Question 15 3 out of 3 points Which disorder is the result of a bacterial infection that destroys patches of lung tissue and can also spread to other body parts?? · Question 16 3 out of 3 points ?Which cells are found in lymph nodes to clear away bacteria and other unwanted substances? · Question 17 3 out of 3 points Which portion of the larynx is the Adam’s apple?? · Question 18 3 out of 3 points The epithelium across which gases exchange is the ____.? · Question 19 3 out of 3 points During voice production, air rushing through which structure causes the vocal cords to vibrate?? · Question 20 3 out of 3 points The amount of air that can be forcibly inspired after a normal inhalation is the ____.? · Question 21 3 out of 3 points ?The use of which type of medication may lead to vaginal yeast infections? · Question 22 0 out of 3 points ?A disease that occurs more or less all the time is classified as ____. · Question 23 3 out of 3 points ?Which chemical released from the brain causes a fever? · Question 24 3 out of 3 points ?The cell-mediated immune response is a function of ____. · Question 25 3 out of 3 points During inhalation, ____.?

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