Learning Theories Paper Instructions At this point, you have learned about several learning theories such as behaviorism, social cognitive theory, information processing theory, and constructivism. For this paper, you must discuss 1 of these theories in a 5–7-page paper (in addition to title/reference pages), utilizing at least 5 scholarly sources published within the last 5 years.Choose the theory with which you most identify as a learner. Your paper must include the following sections: • A title page in current APA format;• A summary of the major components and theorists associated with the theory;• At least three examples of  how lessons and activities in the classroom would be differentiated to incorporate this theory;• A discussion of how this learning theory will impact classroom management and student learning; and• A discussion of why you most closely identify with this particular theory. The following items must be addressed within the above sections.You will need to demonstrate the following in order to fall into the Proficient category on the grading rubric for this assignment: PRE-A1. • Discuss and present a basic comprehensive summary of the learning theory.• Demonstrate a Christian worldview and approach to teaching and learning throughout the paper. PRE-B2. • Discuss and present more than 1 way to plan instructional time for students based upon the students’ individual developmental learning needs, referencing the selected learning theory. PRE-B3. • Discuss and present more than 3 ways to differentiate instruction in the classroom to meet the students’ various learning needs, referencing the selected learning theory. PRE-B4. • Discuss and present more than 1 way to manage and motivate students in order to maximize the learning of the students who identify with the selected learning theory. PRE-C5. • Discuss and present why you, as a learner and professional, most closely identify with this selected theory.• Describe how you can utilize your knowledge of this theory to assist students in your classroom. Dispositions: • This paper must be composed in current APA format. Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.

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