Competency Evaluate different change management models. Instructions Gaining an understanding of the various models of leadership theory is critical in order to understand what skills and abilities are needed to influence the desired change in an organization. Research at least two organizations that have had similar issues and successes during a change management process. For this assignment, write a 2-3 page analysis of the problems and the change models that were implemented to address each organization’s problems. Next, you will compare and contrast the change models used . Assignment Requirements are as follows: Provide an overview of the issues that each organization faced. Include an example of at least three similarities and three differences between each change model. The paper should include an APA formatted cover page and reference page. The paper should include at least two peer-reviewed sources, such as journal articles from the Rasmussen Library. Additional Information for Assignment Introduction In this 5 – 9-sentence paragraph, introduce the two organizations by name and industry. If they are well-known (Delta or Google or Sears or Kodak) introduce them briefly but it is alright to assume that readers are familiar with orgs this large and/or established. More introduction is needed if the organization is smaller or not well-known — be sure to describe the product or service they provide. Briefly state the issue each faced that required change leadership. Perhaps a merger/acquisition, perhaps a technological development, or sudden departure of a long time CEO or President. Compare and Contrast: Organizations and Situations In this section, clearly state three ways the organizations and the issues faced were similar. Then state three examples of how they were different. A detailed description of the organizations and their situations should require three to four paragraphs. Compare and Contrast: The Models Then, state assertively the change model you think was used in each case. Be clear about how each model is different and how they are the same. You might use a table or graphic for this: ADKAR Lewin’s Three Phase Model Kotter’s 8 Steps Details about a similarity Details about a similarity Details about a similarity Details about a similarity Details about a similarity Details about a difference Details about a difference Details about a difference Details about a difference Be sure to address the contrast and comparison to the situations faced as well as to the models themselves. This is your chance to demonstrate an understanding of the models in theory and in practice. Search terms in the library: failed corporate change, successful corporate change, corporate bankruptcy, business reinvention, failed M & A, successful M & A Optional Library Readings: Comparative Approaches of Key Change Management Models Guiding Employees through Change Leading and Managing Change People Skills:Change Management Tools–Lewin’s Change Model Leading Change, with a New Preface by the Author by John P. Kotter ISBN: 9781422186442Publication Date: 2012-10-23Millions worldwide have read and embraced John Kotter’s ideas on change management and leadership. From the ill-fated dot-com bubble to unprecedented M&A activity to scandal, greed, and ultimately, recession–we’ve learned that widespread and difficult change is no longer the exception. It’s the rule. Now with a new preface, this refreshed edition of the global bestseller Leading Change is more relevant than ever. John Kotter’s now-legendary eight-step process for managing change with positive results has become the foundation for leaders and organizations across the globe. HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Change Management (including Featured Article ‘Leading Change’) by Harvard Business Review; W. Chan Kim; John P. Kotter; Renee Mauborgne ISBN: 9781422172063Publication Date: 2011-02-24If you read nothing else on change management, read these 10 articles (featuring “Leading…

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