Prompt: The purpose of this paper is to articulate your development as a leader from a Christian worldview. Your paper must be 2,500-2,750 words and be APAcompliant. Include a title page, references page, and a minimum of five scholarly sources. Include the following content in your paper as you integrate the material covered in all lectures:
Characteristics of communication
Assessment of current leadership condition or status
Description of future leadership development goals and state
Explain how each weekly topic will help you meet your leadership development goals – The use of headings for each weekly topic is recommended. For example, the heading for this expectation might be Course Support with sub-headings of Communication, Time Management, Critical Thinking, etc.
Paradigm/theological support for biblical leadership in contrast to secular perspective of leadership (500-750 words)
Requirements: 2,500-2,750 words, five scholarly sources, APA format
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