For this assignment, compose a critical analysis of a journal article regarding a leadership topic. If possible, find a topic that is related to the Middle East.

Your essay must include the following:

  • Title page
  • Introductory paragraph (a brief paragraph that simply introduces the topic)
  • Body (a series of cohesive paragraphs that include in-text citations and further discuss the topic (this is where your critical analysis comes in with support by the in-text citations)
  • Concluding paragraph (a brief paragraph that summarizes the information, refers back to the introductory paragraph, or offers a future outcome of the information presented in the essay body)
  • Reference page(s) formatted according to APA standards. Keep in mind that even though a critical analysis is subjective writing because it expresses the writer’s opinion or evaluation of a text, it is not appropriate to use first-person voice. Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
  • Be three to five pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use S academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

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