I need an APA paper for the following instructions.
Week 3 Assignment – Keyword Research
This week, you’ll be analyzing why keyword research is so important and which keywords will be most helpful for you.
Please be sure that you’ve read this week’s assigned readings before completing this assignment (especially WordPress SEO: The Only Guide You Need) and that you’ve watched this week’s assigned video tutorials before completing this assignment (especially How to Increase Web Traffic with SEO Keywords).
To complete this assignment, you will write an APA paper that must answer all of the following questions:
1) Why is keyword research important?
2) How do keyword research and SEO efforts relate to ROI?
3) What are the 7 steps for finding the right keyword phrases (per this week’s tutorials)?
4) What are the geographic and demographic characteristics of your target audience for your P.R. brand?
a. Geographic characteristics cannot be bigger than one state
b. Demographic characteristics must include all of the following: age range, gender, ethnicity, income bracket, educational level, and any other relevant categories for your brand.
5) How does knowing these geographic and demographic characteristics of your target audience help you plan your SEO strategy?
6) Go to the Google Keywords Planning Tool. Click on “Go To Keyword Planner.” Click on “Find New Keywords.” Enter a few words/phrases that describe the kind of P.R. (public relations) work you do. Provide one (1) screenshot of your results.
7) Based on your keyword research, how would you create a blogging strategy to increase visits to your website?
a. Be sure your answer includes the keywords you’d use in your blog posts.
(My website/blog: https://nroberts131.wixsite.com/nbennettpr)
b. Be sure your answer includes where on your blog you’d use those keywords.
8) Based on your keyword research, how would you create a social media campaign to increase your brand awareness?
- Be sure your answer includes information about the keywords you’d use in your social media profiles.
- Be sure your answer includes information about the keywords you’d use as hashtags.
Your paper must be written in APA format, with a cover page, and with your citations listed in APA format.
Proofread your paper extraordinarily carefully in order to avoid grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors.
There will be a 1-point deduction for each type of grammatical/typographical error that appears in your posts.
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