Application Exercises – IPF PPS.docx ( 17.036 KB ) The IPF PPS is based on a federal perdiem amount that represents the average daily operational, ancillary, and capital costs expended to care for Medicare beneficiaries. Use the information found in figures 1 and 2 ( below), Tables 6.5-6.9 and figures 6.7 from the test book to complete table 1 and workbooks A&B in order to determine IPF PPS reimbursement for this encounter. Figure 1: Facility Information Bed size: 350 beds Location: Columbus, Ohio Classification: Rural Wage Index: .9806 Full Service ED: Yes Per-diem unadjusted rate (RY 2015): $728.31 Figure 2: Claim Information Admit Date: January 1, 2015 Discharge Date: January 15, 2015 LOS: 14 days Patient Age: 62 Principal Diagnosis: 295.34* Paraphrenic schizophrenia, chronic with acute exacerbation Secondary Diagnosis: 301.6 Dependent personality disorder Secondary Diagnosis: 250.02 Type II diabetes mellitus uncontrolled MS-DRG: 885 Psychoses ECT treatments: 90870 3 units $315.55 per unit (RY 2015)
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