Case Study Analysis: The Case of the Jarvis Brothers
“Accused boys who burned teen came from troubled families“, written by Julie Brown, Jennifer Lebovich, Carol Marbin Miller and Diana Moskovitz in the Miami Herald on October 25, 2009.
Read the Miami Herald article (link is provided above) to learn more about the case and the troubled families of the Jarvis boys. Could their behavior be a result of their genes that were inherited from their parents? If things like eye color and physique are passed down, should we also expect things like criminal behavior to be passed down? And, if violent genes are indeed inherited, what should be done to children with deviant parents? Or could their behavior be a function of other forces? And, if so, identify and explain those forces that may have contributed to their behavior.
Deliverable Length: In one page, summarize your key thoughts and findings. Bullet points are acceptable, as long as they convey your thoughts and findings thoroughly. Be specific and include examples when appropriate.
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