Create the following positions based upon a job analysis:

  1. Mailroom clerk: Entry level for a long-term existing company in San Diego, CA.
  2. Manager in the marketing department: Mid-level position in a start-up company, in Scottsdale, AZ.

Possible online job description searches : and

Prepare standard job descriptions of 350 words for each of the positions with the following sections:

  • Job Summary
  • Job Requirements (Minimum Education, Experience and Certifications and/or training required)
  • Job Functions (Detailed description of the job duties) Make sure each duty begins with a present action verb
  • Other information (KSA’s, physical requirements, working conditions, reporting relationships, location, travel requirements and working hours)

Prepare a 350-word paper after the job descriptions are created that includes the following:

  • Explain the pay scale appropriate for the each job (local vs. regional vs. national) and why the pay scale is appropriate to ensure market competiveness
  • Discuss direct and indirect compensation plans that match that of the company’s lifecycle for each job

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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