
I need two responses of at least 150 words each for the below students discussions for this week. Also in the bold below are the questions the students at answering.

Questions (both questions must be answered):

1. Find an online article regarding Disaster Recovery OR Business Continuity.

2. Summarize the article.

Student one:

DRAAS-Disaster Recovery As A Service

Sandra Gittlen

Network World

31 Jan 2019

A disaster recovery plan is part of the business continuity plan that describes how business operations will recover quickly in the event of a disaster (Techopedia, n.d.), but focuses on the IT functions. The plan is developed to assist the IT department to get up and back running critical systems in order to support operations at a minimal resource level. Disaster recovery plans are critical to business sustaining after an unforeseen tragedy to its IT infrastructure, especially to the amount of reliance businesses place on their information systems. Sandra Gittlen writes on AutoNation hybrid approach to their disaster recovery plan.

AutoNation operates over 300 locations and had experienced failed attempts trying to implement an on-premises only solution and a cloud-only recovery solution however both were too expensive to sustain as a long term plan. So AutoNation settled for a DRaaS, Disaster Recovery as a Service, approach that backs up and replicates virtual servers, applications, and data to their Colorado location which operates as the colocation facility and responsible for replacing the sites AWS information during recovery. “The new disaster-recovery plan that features a blend of colocation-based and as-a-service-based disaster recovery, with 75 percent of applications targeted to recover from a Denver colocation facility and 25 percent from Amazon Web Services” (Glitten, 2019), creating a hybrid recovery plan.

DRaaS has grown in providers since cloud services have taken off. DRaaS has the ability to focus on backup virtual servers, physical servers, or on-site backup appliances. Many organizations are transferring the whole responsibility to the growing third party industry to provide fail-over services in the event of a service disruption or disaster. “Market research firm Technavio predicts the global DRaaS market will expand at a compound annual growth rate of nearly 36 percent between 2018 and 2022” (Gittlen, 2019). DRaaS provides the comfort of quick recovery at the flip of a switch.


Gittlen, S. (2019, January 31). Disaster recovery as a service: Options grow to fit needs. Retrieved from https://www.networkworld.com/article/3337463/draas-options-grow-but-no-one-size-fits-all.html.

Techopedia. (n.d.). What is a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)? – Definition from Techopedia. Retrieved from https://www.techopedia.com/definition/1074/disaster-recovery-plan-drp.


Student two:

Hello Class,

The article I reviewed centers around IBM and the city of Los Angeles. IBM and LA cyber labs have teamed up to help local businesses fight cybercrimes. Cyber Crimes are an issue for bigger companies with huge infrastructures that are designed to combat cybercrimes, so they are an even bigger problem from a smaller local business with fewer resources. LA Cyber Lab will offer two new cybersecurity tools to the city of LA’s commercial movers and shakers. The first tool is a mobile app that will allow for suspicious emails to be analyzed. The second tool which is the centerpiece of the exchanges is the cloud-based threat intelligence sharing platform developed by Trustar. This platform will allow users to circulate their spear-phishing and educate themselves on the lasts business email compromise or ransomware campaigns.

This is a great approach by IBM for several reasons. The first is that IBM and the developers of cybersecurity will be able to gather information on new spyware, ransomware, and social phishing. All of the information gathered can be used by companies with more resources to develop ways of securing their assets against these threats. The second advantage of this is the detection of newer threats. By giving this technology out to smaller businesses more threat information is being collected compared to if this technology was only available to bigger companies or it had to be purchased. The second piece of software that is going to be given away is the TISP with is a platforming. A platform is built to share information, information that could help a smaller business continue to operate if they run into a threat because information on this threat could have been shared weeks ago when it was first identified by another business that was using the TISP.

Announcements. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2019, from https://newsroom.ibm.com/2019-09-17-IBM-Works-With-City-of-Los-Angeles-to-Combat-Cybercrime.


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