Citation/Reference must be within 5 years
Review the following research questions.
- Is the use of soap and water or alcohol-based rubs more effective in preventing nosocomial infections?
- How effective are anti-depressive medications on anxiety and depression?
- For patients of 70 years and older, how effective is the use of the influenza vaccine at preventing flu as compared to patients who have not received the vaccine?
- What is the relationship between alcohol and breast cancer?
- What is the difference between self-efficacy scores in older adults who exercise and the scores of those who do not?
- What is the difference in attitudes of male and female college students toward condoms?
Next, select 3 of the above questions and address the following:
- Identify an appropriate research design.
- Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the design.
- Provide a rationale for the design you selected
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