There are numerous Intrusion Detection Systems here we will use a simple yet powerful IDS to manage and monitor all your Internet-connected devices.
You may actually use it or install it on a Virtual Machine for this exercise. If you use it you must remove any other IDS and Anti-Virus program.
Go to Sophos >
- Install the free edition of Sophos, Scan your computer, then provide screenshots of the results.
- Review the features, test them and answer the following questions in APA.
- Are you able to monitor and manage networked devices including mobile devices from the cloud?
- Can you initiate a scan of all devices from one computer to another?
- Are you notified if there is an attack on one of your devices?
- Does it detect Infrastructure Attacks?
- Can you manage vulnerability information?
- Can you generate a cybersecurity intelligence report?
- What is the risk management process?
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