We interviewed a pearson and she told us about her story we recorded and i will attach the voice story. the paper instructions are here :
- Paper (10 points):Each student will write a paper in response to the interview and learnings which integrate with course concepts. The paper is to be 2 – 3 pages in length. The paper will be graded on your analysis of the following:
- (a) the ways in which this individual’s journey reflects the course concepts, especially the ideas of disorientation/orientation/new orientation and the different levelsof suffering/loss/grief/fear experienced. Loss is rarely one-dimensional. What are the obvious and not-so-obvious levels of impact, deep questions that can remain unanswered, doubts that are natural, etc.
(b) the ways (strategies) in which the person you interviewed found him/herself orientingor finding new orientation—were they effective?
(c) What were the most significant learnings for you? Identify several key ideas, their impact on you, and any inspiration that you gainedfrom interacting with this individual and his/her story.
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