Interprofessional Collaboration Draft a proposal of 45 pages for the development of an interprofessional team to address a problem in delivering safe, high-quality health care. MUST USE ATTACHED TEMPLATE SCORING RUBRIC MUST BE FOLLOWED Plan Content Analyze the factors that have contributed to the problem. ( Hint: Examine the reasons for ineffective communication, not just the communication itself. Reasons may include staff burnout, workload, staffing shortfalls, attitudes, assumptions, and so on.) Consider whether certain combinations of factors might be contributing to the problem. Explain why an interprofessional team is needed to address the problem and achieve expected project outcomes. Determine who should be on the team. Identify the disciplines or areas team members should come from and any specific job titles prospective team members should hold. Describe the knowledge and expertise each discipline has to offer in resolving the situation. In addition, consider the level of creativity and problem-solving skills that are needed. Assess the effectiveness of a particular leadership approach in building and maintaining interprofessional collaborative relationships. Consider how effective that approach is in: Encouraging participation by all team members. Engaging reluctant or resistant team members. Maintaining a respectful platform for members to voice their ideas. Develop a strategy for communicating progress by the team to executive leadership. Determine which approach to communicating with leaders will be most effective and efficient. Determine whether you will have regular meetings and generate status reports. Develop a collaborative plan for resolving the problem. Identify the ethical or political issues that are relevant factors in your proposed solution. Identify the social, cultural, or economic factors that are relevant to your proposed solution. Explain how you would address the ethical, political, social, cultural, or economic factors you have identified as relevant to your plan. Describe your role as a leader in implementing the proposed solution. Determine how the practitioner-scholar model might be applied in resolving the problem. Consider how theory, research, and the published work in the field, in conjunction with your own experience and professional knowledge, might be used to develop strategies to analyze and resolve the problem. Questions to consider when writing paper How do you approach a problem or challenge within your organization, when you observe it? How often have you needed to find credible information to solve a personal or professional problem? How did you find the information you needed? What are the advantages of an Interprofessional team? What are peer-reviewed resources? Why are peer-reviewed resources considered to be credible and valid? What kind of communication skills do you possess? References Lawson, H. (2004). The logic of collaboration in education and the human services. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 18 (3), 225237. Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2012). The art of leadership (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Woodward, I., & More, E. (2010). Leadership communication at the edge. Australian Journal of Communication, 37 (1), 111136. Other references as needed
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