Task 9 Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Business

Learn about International Business Ethics

  1. If you have not previously completed the Lynda.com course Business Ethics, complete it now. If you have, review the section on International Ethics.
  2. Watch
  3. Watch
  4. Read ebook pages 93–95, 100–101 on Ethical behavior
  5. Watch Case: Bribery in International Business: Ethics & Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Social and Environmental Responsibility

  1. Watch
  2. Watch
  3. Watch Combat Child Labour through Corporate Social Responsibility
  4. Read and review the IISD’s Business and Sustainable Development Global Guide.

Review all content from prior weeks.

Make a concept map with all the elements of international business that you have learned. Make sure you make connections and do into depth on each one.

Task 9: for this task you have to make a concept map with all the elements of international business that you have learned. Basically what I want you to do is the following: refer to the end of our text book section Glossary page 451. Choose 12 to 15 concepts with their meaning. Remember since you are copying the meaning of the concept you must use quotation mark. Then you write about what you understand about this concept. Please remember that if you just write about the concept and its meaning you don’t get any grade. You have to explain what you understood from this concept and how this helps you at to understand international business better.

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