1. You are to test your hypotheses from your Assignment #2.
  2. You will produce a report written in APA format.

You must include:

  1. An Overview of the study: 1) the overall purpose of the study and your hypotheses, (how did you come up with those hypotheses?)
  2. The Data: a description of the data set
  3. The Statistics: What statistics did you employ? You must present:
    1. Descriptive Statistics: include the appropriate graphical displays for each of your three hypotheses and the relevant numbersI
    2. inferential Statistics: (ttest, ChiSquare). How did you test your hypotheses? Did you accept or reject the null? how do you know? Include ONLY the relevant outcomes meaning – if you can’t explain what a statistic is – do not include it.
  4. Outcomes: You major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis
  5. Summary: A short, interpretative summary of your results and conclusions
  6. Finally: In just a few sentences – what would you have done differently?


  • Label your Tables and Figures and refer to them by that label in your text
  • Cite references if necessary
  • I have included a write-up of a study as a guide
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