Discussion Forum: Looking Inside the Computer

There are so many different types of storage and memory devices inside the computer e.g., ROM, RAM, Hard Drive. What’s the difference between storage and memory? Why is it that we need all three ROM, RAM, and Hard drive on computers? Do we need all three on your a) smart cell phone, b) Laptop, c) Tablet? What factors play an important role in determining what type of storage or memory we need for a computing device? Due date Oct 10 , 2019 by 11:59 p.m.

The following rubric will be used for assessing your participation on discussion boards.

Levels of Achievement


Meets Expectation

Approaches Expectation

Below Expectation

Limited Evidence

No Evidence


20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Demonstrates excellent knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories relevant to topic.

Demonstrates fair knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories.

Demonstrates significantly flawed knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories.

Demonstrates poor or absent knowledge of concepts, skills, and theories.

Did not participate.


20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Statements are well supported; posts extend discussion.

Statements are partially supported; posts may extend discussion.

Support is deficient; posts do not extend discussion.

Statements are not supported.

Did not participate.

Writing Quality

20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Writing is well organized, clear, concise, and focused; no errors.

Some significant but not major errors or omissions in writing organization, focus, and clarity.

Numerous significant but not major errors or omissions in writing organization, focus, and clarity.

Numerous errors or omissions—at least some major—in writing organization, focus, and clarity.

Did not participate.


20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Initial before deadline.

Initial post 1 day late (Friday).

Initial post 2 days late (Saturday).

Initial post 3 days late (Sunday).

Did not participate.


20 Points

15 Points

10 Points

5 Points

0 Points

Initial post and two other posts all on separate days.

Initial post and two other posts with two on same day.

Initial post and one other post.

Initial post only.

Did not participate.

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