Assignment Instructions
In this Assignment you will complete six steps that cover the use of breadcrumbs, Control Panel features, and performance information and tools.
Before beginning the Assignment, please note:
- Use your favorite search engine (e.g., Google) or your local computer to answer the questions and complete the Assignment.
- If you are using the virtual machine, you can perform the tasks in your virtual machine,
- Write a brief caption identifying each screenshot and identify all questions.
- Label each screenshot.
Above is the virtual machine that you could use to install the software to.
- Use of Breadcrumbs: Practice using Cortana to open WordPad. Create a folder under C drive named “Win10Breadcrumbs.” Create a child folder in this folder named “Win10Tips.” In WordPad, create a text document named “Breadcrumbs” and save the document to the Win10Tips folder. Take a screen capture of the path showing the Local Disk (C:) drive, the Win10Breadcrumbs folder, and the “Breadcrumbs.rtf” file.
- Control Panel: Take a screen capture of the Category view. Display a second screen in small icons view and take a second screenshot. From that view, select Mouse and take a third screen capture of customized pointer options.
- Reliability Monitor: Select the Action Center from Control Panel. Select Maintenance and take a screen capture of Reliability Monitor. You also can type Reliability Monitor in the search box in the Search Control Panel and then click Security and Maintenance.
- In the Security and Maintenance window that pops up, click on Maintenance and then View reliability history. Take a screenshot of the Reliability Monitor report.
- If an ERROR icon displays (marked with an “x”):
Click on an error, and under the Reliability details for <date> window, under Action click to Check for a solution. Take a second screenshot of the Problem Reporting dialog. What entries are shown? What do they mean? If “No new solutions found” dialog, take a third second screenshot of the Problem Reporting dialog box. - If an ERROR icon does not display: Click on the information icon (marked with an “I”), under Action, and click to View technical details. Take a screenshot of the Problems Details window capturing the Problem, Date and Description.
- If neither b nor c displays, the Reliability Monitor screenshot in is all you need.
- Performance Information and Tools: Read the document “Installing WEI for Windows 10.docx” in Course Documents. Explain what the Windows Experience Index (WEI) is. Take a screen capture of your scores. How would you interpret your lowest score?
- Event Viewer: Press Windows Logo + X to display the menu.
- Select Event Viewer and take a screen capture once it loads.
- In the console tree, expand the first three folders under the Event Viewer (local) and take a screenshot.
- Click on the Windows Logs directory and select Application.
- Double-click on an Error or Information icon under the Application column
- In the Event Properties – Event dialog, under the General tab, click the hyperlink Event Log Online Help. Take a screenshot.
- Click Yes in the Event Viewer Dialog that pops up.
NOTE: If the Web page renders no result, go back and select a different Error or Information and try this step again.
- In the Resources for IT Professionals (or page, select the Home tab.
- Review the series of themes that display on the page.
- Take the time to evaluate and review one or more of the topics of interest. (Some provide a video.)
- Take a screen capture of the Web page with your favorite topic and close the browser window when finished.
- Write a 100 word minimum summary of what you learned from the chosen topic.
- Briefly explain how a network administrator would use the Event Viewer.
- System Configuration: From the Start button in your computer, open the command prompt window and enter the following command: ipconfig/all
- Take a screenshot that shows the following information about your system:
- Host Name
- IP Address
- Network Mask
- Default Gateway
- DHCP Server
- DNC Servers
- Explain in no fewer than 100 words when a network administrator would execute ipconfig.
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