Research theories, evidentiary sources, and case studies on the impact that leaders have on organizational capacity building. Based on your research, write an interpretation of your findings on how leaders may influence organizational capacity building. After your interpretation, prepare detailed recommendations for the organization. Support your interpretation and recommendations with sound research and provide concrete examples to rationalize your position.

In addition, prepare a handout for distribution at the next managerial meeting (Hint: this hypothetical meeting is taking place during Week 8 for your Signature Assignment.). Your handout should include brief reference points for senior leaders, indicating areas of weakness and recommendations you have to improve organizational capacity.

Support your paper with at least seven scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages, PLUS handout (1-2 pages)

1 Drafted an interpretation of your findings on how leaders may influence organizational capacity building.

2 Prepared detailed recommendations for the organization.

3 Supported your interpretation and recommendations with sound research.

4 Provided concrete examples to rationalize your position.

5 Prepared a handout for distribution at the next managerial meeting that included brief reference points for senior leaders, indicating areas of weakness and recommendations you have to improve organizational capacity.

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