Here is the paper requirement for Paper Two due by the end of Week Six, unless the professor indicates otherwise.
Write a 1,000 word argumentative paper in which you take a position on one of the following topics. Make sure your paper has a clear thesis on your position, a logical argument that supports your position, and is clearly linked to the Learning Resources and uses at least two citations and quotations. You must also include at least one paragraph of what the other side would say in this argument, and you should try to counter that argument.
- Immigration
The topics for the Short Papers will be used in the following manner. If a student picks a particular topic, from the list of topics provided, for Paper 1, that student MUST choose a different topic from the list of topics for Paper 2. Re-submission of the same paper for both assignments is strictly prohibited.
This assignment is due by the end of the sixth week of class on Sunday by 11:30 PM ET.
The grading rubric for each paper is holistic:
A papers: (90-100) Are strong in grammar, organization, clarity and argumentation, have a clear thesis and an argument or analysis supporting that thesis and are clearly linked to the eResources with some use of at least two citations and quotations. Papers should include at least one paragraph that covers what the other side of the argument would say on this issue. Papers must include at least one paragraph of what the other side would say in this argument.
B papers: (80-89) Lack some of the qualities of A papers but are still reasonably strong.
C papers: (70-79) Lack a good number of the qualities of A papers, and are solid but not strong.
D papers: (60-69) Lack enough of the qualities of this paper that they are below acceptable college standards.
F papers: (0-59) Miss the boat entirely or violate plagiarism rules.
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