You are required to identify, read, and analyze an article from the popular press that relates to a current issue in biology.

Examples of appropriate sources for articles include the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Oakland Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, the Economist, Wired, Scientific American, Time, or Newsweek. Many other credible news sites are on the Internet.

Full citation information for your article, including the hyperlink to the website URL/source, authors, date of publication, and page numbers

  • a 5-7 sentence short summary of the main ideas of the article
  • a 5-7 sentence reflection on your personal response to or ideas about the article
  • 3-5 thoughtful questions that the article raised for you personally

Please reply the following two post, and it should be at least 100-150 words:

1.Scientists Have Confirmed a New DNA Structure Inside Human Cells…

Summary: Scientist from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Australia back in April made a discovered of a brand new DNA structure. It looks like a twist knot and is called the intercalated motif. The i-motif is a four strand ed knot of DNA. This was found and described by James Watson and Francis Crick. The big difference between this and a double helix is on this strand the letters re on the same strand whereas on the double helix the letters are on opposite sides.

Response: My response to this is it’s crazy it took us this long to find it. I think its incredible we have the technology to find things like this. The finding of this new DNA is life changing and so incredible. I was under the impression that there was only one type of DNA so it was a big shock to me to hear we found another one. I can only imagine what were going to find in the future. I hope this will give more people the passion to work on DNA cells to find more discoveries like this.


  1. Which DNA sequence is the most reliable imotif?
  2. Can I-motif structures appear in single strands?
  3. Whats the advantage of I-motif strands in relation to double helix?
  4. What sequence is the i-motif structure mostly formed by?

2. Source: Imperial College London. “New type of photosynthesis discovered.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 14 June 2018.


Summary: This study introduces a new form of photosynthesis that scientists have now discovered. The discovery changes people’s understanding of the basic mechanism of photosynthesis. Moreover, it provides insights for people on how they could engineer more efficient crops that take advantage of longer wavelengths of light. The text mentions the traditional, near-universal type of photosynthesis that utilizes the green pigment, chlorophyll-a, both collecting light and using its energy to make biochemicals and oxygen. However, the way chlorophyll-a absorbing light happens only under the condition of red light energy. Because the vast majority of life on Earth uses visible red light in the process of photosynthesis, it was deemed that the energy of red light set the ‘red limit’ for photosynthesis. However, the scientists found that the new type of photosynthesis uses near-infrared light instead. It was detected in a wide range of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) when they grow in near-infrared light, found in shaded conditions like bacterial mats in Yellowstone and beach rock in Australia.

Personal response:

Instead of using the standard type of photosynthesis-chlorophyll-a, the researchers observe that chlorophyll-f can also carry out photochemical reactions in the photosynthetic system. Also, when exposed to dark conditions, chlorophyll-f plays a key role in photosynthesis, using low-energy near-infrared light for complex chemical reactions. The discovery of the new mechanism of photosynthesis greatly expands our understanding of photosynthesis. Importantly, more details could be seen in the new systems than has ever been seen before in the standard chlorophyll-a systems. It is fascinating in a way that there are still many things waiting to be explored in nature. Following this new idea of photosynthesis, we perhaps could look for new lives in the deep ocean floor, where visible light is largely absent, or on exoplanets.

Thoughtful questions:

  1. Will this new mechanism of photosynthesis have potential drawbacks?
  2. Even though the scientists have the ability to genetically modify crops to make it possible for them to grow in the dark, will that be more productive than the traditional method?
  3. How plausible will this type of system become a reality that replaces the natural photosynthesis process which has existed over billions of years?
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