Use the format of one of the “Lesson Plan Templates” to create a lesson plan for K to Age 8/Grade 3. The lesson plan should cover one or more of the following topics: history and economics and contain the following information: Clear, measurable learning objectives that align to early learning standards (ELS) as well as your state’s subject standards. Anticipatory set Vocabulary Reasoning and problem-solving Relevant materials and resources including visual or audio resources Differentiation of instruction to address the diverse needs of students. Name the differentiation strategies used to achieve individual learning outcomes. Assessments Implement this lesson with changes based on previous feedback. Write a 500-750-word reflection based on the feedback you received from your classroom teacher and personal observations about the experience, explain the following: Strengths and opportunities for growth. Provide specific evidence from your activity including changes based on previous feedback. Which of the following did you implement and how: active learning, integrated subject areas, meaning and relevance, high interest and engagement, social and participatory skills, and attitudes and values? Which of the following did you implement and how: critical thinking, and concept formation? What changes will you implement in your next lesson? Be sure to provide specific examples. While APA format is not required for the lesson plan, solid academic writing is expected. Prepare reflection according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style

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