
  • This assignment requires you to type what you generate in the program onto this worksheet (at the end). When you are finished, simply save this file (with your changes) and send it to me as an email attachment.
  • Follow the directions below:
  • 16) After you see the results of your handiwork, print the page as it is displayed on your computer screen. You must print this now; otherwise you will loose what you have done. This is why the instructions at the beginning of this exercise stated that you must, “make sure you have access to a printer from the computer you choose to use to complete this assignment.”

1) Open Internet Explorer

2) Direct your browser to:

3) Click on “Download Interact.jar.”

NOTE: It is your responsibility to plan to finish this project in a timely manner. If you discover that your computer has trouble running JAVA or INTERACT in the day (and hours) before this is due, I can not help you. Do NOT let this wait until the last minute.

First…we will start very simply by using only basic functions. First we will “Define the Situation.”

5) Using the pull-down & scroll functions, set the program to the following:

For viewer (Person 1), Person 1 = “child molester

For viewer (Person 1), Person 2 = “sheriff

For viewer (Person 2), Person 1 = *make sure this matches how “Person 1” views him/herself.

For viewer (Person 2), Person 2 = *make sure this matches how “Person 2” views him/herself.

6) Now, set the pull-down menu to “Define Events”

To set the event that “Person 1” (child molester) does to “Person 2” (sheriff), scroll down to the verb “flee” and then push “Insert Event.” You should see the following screen when complete (notice that the event is summarized in the window):

Feel free to browse the other actions if you wish…but don’t insert any others at this time.

7) Now, click once on the summarized event displayed in the widow, and then set the pull-down menu to “Analyze Events.”

You will see that the faces indicate the emotion of the persons involved. “Person 1” appears determined and resolute (as a fleeing child molester probably would) and the Sheriff appears slightly pleased (as the events are unfolding as she might normally expect them to…).

8) Now…click on “incarcerate.” This is the act that one might expect “Person 2” (the sheriff) to do to “Person 1” (the child molester).

You will see the faces change (don’t worry about the male and female thing…just keep track of which side the faces are on). Notice that now the face on the left (that of “Person 1”) is slightly unhappy (and the appropriate emotions are: shaken, indignant, etc…) while the face on the right (that of “Person 2”) is happy (so happy in fact that there are no words in range).

9) Now, set the pull-down menu to “Advanced Functions”

The screen will re-set and you will have to “single-click” on the event summary again. Notice how the faces reappear, but now you have a lot more information!!! The KEY THINGS to notice are the EPA values (3 digit profiles) for each window and the “Deflection” score (given under the picture).

10) What I want you to do now is to set the pull-down menu back to “Define Situation.”

Then, click the refresh button on your browser.

11) After the “refresh,” you will have cleared out INTERACT’s memory and you will now be able to play with this for a little while. Here’s what you need to do:

12) a) Set the set the pull-down menu to “Advanced Functions” and record the word and EPA you choose for each element on the situation in the spaces provided below:

b) Define the situation “for viewer person 1, person 1 is a _______” by choosing terms for:

1) setting: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

2) identity: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

3) emotion: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

c) Define the situation “for viewer person 1, person 2 is a _______” by choosing terms for:

1) setting: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

2) identity: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

3) emotion: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

*Note, you may choose the same terms for “each view” (meaning the persons 1 and 2 agree on who each other is…

d) Define the situation “for viewer person 2, person 1 is a _______” by choosing terms for:

1) setting: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

2) identity: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

3) emotion: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

e) Define the situation “for viewer person 2, person 2 is a _______” by choosing terms for:

1) setting: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

2) identity: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

3) emotion: ____________________________ (type the word and numbers in here)

13) Now, set the pull-down menu to “Define Events” Choose an event from the pull down menu and try to continue as we did so earlier (remember, this reflects what person 1 does to person 2).

14) Once you have chosen an event, set the pull-down menu to “Analyze Events.” After you see the new screen, click once on the event you have created. You will see the computed results from the program. If you have created an event that is fairly realistic and both actors were in agreement as to the definition of the situation, your result should confirm your own assumptions about how this event would likely unfold (if you have created an unusual or confusing event, the strange results you see reflect the confusion that would likely result if the event you created were real).

17) Briefly react/respond to your results below. Make note of how well (or poorly) they program computed a likely outcome that “made sense” to you given the input you provided. Be as specific as you can.

Click on this link (click –> HERE) and then on the “Download Interact.jar” link at the top of the page that opens. This will install a small applet-version of Interact on your computer for you to use when completing the assignment (follow instructions on the worksheet). I recommend that you NOT wait until just before this is due — I will likely not be responding quickly enough to my emails that evening to help many of you you — esp. if several of you all ask me at the same time. Do this early.

*NOTE* This applet requires that you have JAVA installed on your computer, If you don’t have it, go to: and download/install it (free). Afterwards, use it to open the “interact.jar” file. If you have difficulty, let me know.

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