The final assessment of this course is a Case Study project with your team. Your team will be graded on the following elements:

  1. Your team’s in-class presentation and facilitated discussion of your case and proposed solution(s). You might consider alternative delivery methods other than use of powerpoint, such as presentation of role-play scenarios, pre-record portions of your presentation, include videos from outside sources, etc. The only requirement is that all members of the team deliver approximately equivalent portions of the presentation.
  2. Your team should prepare a detailed case write-up with references

During Day 2, your team selected a case/article about an organizational behavior-related situation involving Information Technology. Your team began the analysis during the Day 2 sessions, but you will continue to work together to analyze, make recommendations, and develop your written write up of the case during the intersession.

You will also have two group working hours on Day 3, and your team presentations will be given the afternoon of Day 3.

In general, your case write up should incorporate the following three main sections, with these additional sub headings.

1. Introduction (at least 1 but no more than 2 pages)

  • Overview and history of the organization
  • List the main Organizational Behavior issues that manifest in the case/article. Then identify the top 2-3 most significant Organizational Behavior issues you are addressing related to the power, conflict, team, and individual behavior concepts that we have studied so far.
  • How you will approach the issue(s) (what is your goal?)

2. Strategic Analysis & Problem Identification (at least 1 but no more than 2 pages)

•What OB theories or frameworks are key to establish/define the problem?

•Do a SWOT analysis on the organization’s Organizational Behavior issue(s) which were identified in your introduction.

•What are the key concepts and business tools/processes we learned during the course that are relevant to these issues?

3. Solutions/Recommendations (at least 1 but no more than 2 pages)

•What are your proposed recommendations, and how will they solve the issues identified?

•What are the key steps needed for implementation of your solutions and recommendations, including needed resources such as budget, staffing, IT resources, redesigned groups, teams, or management.

•How do you propose the organization monitor and evaluate the success/value of your solutions?

You should take on the role of a team of consultants when writing up your case solutions.


or for more details and suggestions on preparing your case.

I have attached the case study below

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