1- List at least one condition/procedure from the cardiovascular system (spelled correctly), and one condition/procedure from the digestive system (spelled correctly). Describe how the condition manifests itself/describe the procedure for everyone’s benefit.

2-That being said, list at least one new word/condition/procedure from both the male and female side of the house. Words should be spelled correctly. Describe the condition and/or the procedure.

3-Provide a brief, concise review of cardiac anatomy, the conduction system, and the major vasculature. Describe how the respiratory system keeps the body in a state of homeostasis. (Acidosis/Alkalosis).

4-Describe at least one (1), and no more than three (3) techniques/activities that are considered “best practice” when it comes to implementing the billing and collection process, and managing the practice finances over time.

5-Identify and describe at least one, and no more than three areas around digestive (gut) health that you were not aware of, or that you got clarity on while reviewingthis organ system. Provide the “new/clarified” information here as if you were speaking to a client, or a loved one.

6-What is at least one (1) thing and no more than three (3) things that you discovered about the role of the Office Manager, that you were not aware of. Is this something that you feel that you can do? Or is it something that you think will be a challenge to step into? Explain your answer.

7-Identify and list a word of advice that you would give – regarding health maintenance, diet/nutrition, marital status, socio-economical status- to a young woman contemplating having children, as well as to a young man contemplating starting a family. What would you say, and what is your rationale for providing this advice for both individuals

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