Project Week 2
For these project assignments throughout the course you will need to reference the data in the ROI Excel spreadheet. Download it here.
Using the ROI data set:
- For each of the 2 majors calculate the mean, median, minimum, maximum, range, and standard deviation for the columns ‘Cost’ and ’30-Year ROI’.
- Define each of the terms in #1, and explain how each can be used to provide information about a data set.
- What is the difference between a sample and a population? When you did the calculations in #1, do these numbers apply to a sample or a population?
- By hand or with Excel, for each of the 2 majors calculate the probability that a college picked from the column for ‘School Type’ is ‘Public’.
- By hand or with Excel, for each of the 2 majors find the probability that a college with the ‘School Type’ ‘Private’ has a ’30-Year ROI’ between $1,500,000 and $1,800,000.
- Fill in these tables
Place an X either under “business” or under “engineering” for each factor. Then, in the final box, determine if the factor is desirable for our scenario (ex: Do we want a higher cost?)
Factor |
Business |
Engineering |
Is this factor desirable for our scenario? (answer y / n ) |
Higher mean cost |
Higher median cost |
Broader/wider range of costs |
Higher standard deviation of cost |
Higher maximum cost |
Higher minimum cost |
Factor |
Business |
Engineering |
Is this factor desirable for our scenario? (answer y / n ) |
Higher mean 30-year ROI |
Higher median 30-year ROI |
Broader/wider range of 30-year ROIs |
Higher standard deviation of 30-year ROI |
Higher maximum 30-year ROI |
Higher minimum 30-year ROI |
This is your highlighted box for your project: Hint: Write your answers in full sentences so that you can drop them into your week 8 project should you choose to use this information. Your Week 8 project is a paper, so having the sentences will save you time later.
What would a greater range NOT be helpful in our scenario?
What does it mean if there is a greater standard deviation in terms of ROI? Is that a good thing? Explain.
Why would it not be accurate to say something like “The ____ major has the school with the highest 30-year ROI, therefore, it is the best major?”
Which major is looking like it has the better ROI right now? Why?
Critical question: Are your conclusions here pertaining to a sample or to a population? Why? What are the implications of what the data pertains to?
*** Remember that written portions go on a MS Word document.
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