For Research Assignment #4 you need to use Google Chrome to locate the answers to the following questions:
Q1. What is the URL for the “The 8 most sophisticated phone scams right now the average person falls for” article?
Q2. Who wrote the “The 8 most sophisticated phone scams right now the average person falls for” article?
Q3. According to the “The 8 most sophisticated phone scams right now the average person falls for” article how many people did Microsoft report in 2015 were targeted by tech-support con artists?
Q4. What is the URL for “The 11 most sophisticated online scams right now the average person falls for” article?
Q5. What is the URL for “7 ways to Recognize a Phishing Email: Email Phishing Examples” article?
Q6. According to the “7 ways to Recognize a Phishing Email: Email Phishing Examples” article what is the 4th way to recognize a scam email?
Q7. From the URL what is the phishing example from July 17, 2019?
Q8. From the URL what is the phishing example from October 28, 2016?
Q9. From the URL using the phishing example from October 28, 2016 what is a campus account referred to as in the Phishing example?
Q10. From the URL use the search box and type in “How can I identify a Phishing scam” according to the article, from the Berkeley Security Office, what is the first rule to remember?
Once you have your results in a Microsoft Word document include the following information:
1). The answer to the question. You do not need to type the question just the question number and the answer.
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