Unit I Essay (VC)
Experiencing Public Art
For this assignment, you will select a public sculpture that interests you. Public sculptures include any work displayed within public domain, with the goal of being accessible to everyone, outside of a museum or building. Write an essay about an outdoor sculpture that you have seen in person. If you are unable to photograph a local sculpture, please locate one from your community or neighboring city using the Internet and be sure to visit it.
You must be sure to choose a sculpture that you have seen in person so that you can give your description of what you felt when you experienced it. Take a photograph of the sculpture and include it with this essay. If you are unable to take a photograph, locate one from the Internet. Include the photograph of the artwork on the fourth page by pasting the image into a Word document along with your written essay.
Address the following points in your essay:
- Title, artist, and location of the artwork.
- How would you describe the artwork?
- Why it is there, and what (or who) does it represent?
- What was the source of the funding for this artwork?
- How did you feel about it the first time you saw it?
- Do you feel the same about it now?
Example paper:
Click here to view an example essay. This example paper a good example of this assignment. It shows the APA formatting described below. Please notice that it has an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. This example will show you formatting and the level of detail required. Be sure that your essay must meets the criteria listed above.
- Title page (1 page)
- Written Essay (2 pages)
- Image(s) (1 page)
- References (1 page)
Use Times New Roman 12- point font. Double space all lines, and indent the first line of each paragraph. Your title page should be correctly formatted with a Running Head and page number listed in the Header area. Include your title, name, and school centered on the title page. Your written essay should contain at least three paragraphs (including an introductory and conclusion). Your last page will have the word References centered at the top.
All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and included on the reference page. When you use a statement from a source, you need to credit the source in this format: (last name of author (s), year) at the end of the sentence before the period.
For direct quotes, use quotation marks and add the page number to your citation. An example of a citation for a quotation from page 5 of our textbook would be (Frank, 2014, p. 5).
Additionally, information you obtain from an outside source must be included on the reference page. If you would like additional assistance with APA, click here to access the CSU Citation Guide.
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