Directions: The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your knowledge of the required course material. Outside sources should not be used. Each response needs to be 1-2 well-developed paragraphs in length (150-300 words) and written in your own words. Please use APA (CRJ majors) Style Manuals (Library website) for all citations and other document formatting. The assignment will be graded using the associatedRubric in our Canvas course.(50 pts)
Reminder: Your assignment will automatically be sent to Turnitin when you submit it.
Short Answer Questions:
1. Other than Articles 1 and 2, discuss how 4 different articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are relevant for Data’s particular situation in “The Measure of a Man” Star Trek video Be sure to reference specific events of the video to explain your responses.(10 points)
2. Discuss in detail why it may or may not be useful or relevant to categorize human rights into different generations using the Weston article and specific examples. (20 points)
3. Thoroughly explain why you agree or disagree with Eide’s argument about economic/social/cultural and civil/political rights. Your response needs to include specific references to the Eide article, the UNCESCR and UNCCPR. (20 points)
*please avoid plagiarism
*use simple and clear sentences
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