Reply to the post below and address three of the following bullets:
- Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor.
- Provide extensive additional information on the topic.
- Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail.
- Share an applicable personal experience.
- Provide an outside source (for example, a website) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA format).
- Make an argument concerning the topic.
Q: How can employee engagement impact the changing business environment?
A: Engaged employees can promote a number of changes to the work environment. Engaged employees are committed to their work and to the organization. They display a positive attitude. These behaviors create new business and foster current business relationships (Brook, 2019). Employee engagement brings a level of security, and stability to employees. If employees are left out of the loop it can cause disconnect, and unease amongst the workforce. Engaged employees are believed to bring their full selves into their work roles, and they are cognitively attentive, emotionally vested, and psychically energetic (Shuck, Adelson, & Reio, 2017).
Q: How can employees lead change?
A: Employees can lead change by rallying together. When every employee comes together it makes it easier to align toward a single objective. Every individual needs to be held accountable to their role in the movement. If a single person, or group is out on an island they will never achieve a goal. Employees should feel empowered to bring ideas to the table, and have open communication to determine the best course of action. Communication is the absolute most important attribute for employees to move toward positive changes. A simple form of communication that can have big impact would be some type of suggestion box or forum. Every individual employee can write something down, and monthly a selected group can read though all the ideas to decipher what ideas would be the most attainable, and be the best for the greater good. It is important that an individual or committee be selected to be the champion for change. Positive changes happen when a leader gets those around them to rally behind the change.
Brook, J. (2019, May 11). Why is Employee Engagement Important to Company Success? Retrieved from (Links to an external site.).
Shuck, B., Adelson, J. L., & Reio, T. G. (2017). The employee engagement scale: Initial evidence for construct validity and implications for theory. (Links to an external site.) Human Resource Management, 56(6), 953-977.
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