1. Title Page . Your websites homepage (http://mason.gmu.edu/~username/) will contain a link to your research papers title page. The homepage will be the homepage you created in the lab. The link to the title page will be below the link for the syllabus on homepage using CSS unordered list (bullets) for the syllabus and the title of your paper. There will be ONLY two links on your homepage one to syllabus and one to the title page of your paper.The title page CANNOT be your homepage. The title page contentwill be same as the title page of your research paper – title of your project, your name, date, and GMU Honor Code Statement with active links to GMU Honor Code and GMU Responsible Use of Computing Policy. Additional requirements on the title page: For the GMU Honor Code StatementONLY – use CSS for controlling style, fonts and size font-style: normal; use font-family Arial and font-size 1em Provide a link to the PDF document of your correctedresearch paper below the Honor Code Statement. 2. Content Pages. Cite all references in the body of research paper including those that are paraphrased, in accordance with APA style/format Each paragraph of the corrected paper will be a paragraph in your website. Do not combine paragraphs. Insure quotations or apostrophe markings are transferred correctly to web page. Additional requirements for content pages: Use CSS for the unordered list and your video created in lab CSSunordered list on the second content page Use list-style-type with square markers and list-style-position with inside position Unorderedlist can be used in listing small amounts of project relevant information as is done in paper formats. Do not eliminate text in order to create an unordered list. The use of a list for your projects menu, for the references, and on the title page does not satisfy this requirement. Use HTML 5 video and source tags for video that you created for lab. The video will be an MP4 file. It must be related to your research paper and placed on your third content page. The title page is not a content page. Have at least one of the following additional requirements on at least one if not on all of the content pages: Original artwork, Digital photograph and Public domain Clip art Note: As with any media (video, clip art/image, etc.), you need to obtain permission by the copyright owner to use the media. This is accomplished by checking the sites documents (e.g. Terms of Use, Terms of Service, Copyright, Legal, etc.) or by obtaining permission directly from owner. You must then follow the directions given for use or non-use. Original artwork Original artwork created by you in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, MS Paint or other graphics software. A single colored or plain gif or jpeg image does not satisfy this requirement. Using this gif or jpeg image as a background image will not satisfy this requirement. Digital photograph relevant to the chosen topic Digital photograph (you have taken yourself) and is relevant to the topic. The digital photograph file must be in a gif or jpeg image format. Clipart (e.g. gif image). If not stated on the web that the media is free, you must consider the media to be copyrighted, and therefore you must have permission to use the media (video, clip art/image, etc.) in your website. 4. Reference page Cite all references in accordance with APA style/format on a separate webpage. Do not use an ordered or unordered list for paper content references. In addition to paper content references listed in the research paper, include a Website Media Reference section right after your paper content references on the same webpage. The section will be name Website Media Reference . The section will have references for all video, clipart/images, and original artwork used in your website. Do not use an ordered or unordered list in this section of this webpage. Media (video, clipart/image, etc.) reference: a. Video and clip art/image reference will include the follow…
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