For the past few weeks, we have identified marketing techniques, personal branding and created a SWOT Analysis. Now it’s time to use all of these concepts in a “real world” scenario. Please develop a marketing plan for a healthcare facility that was recently cited by the OIG (Office of Inspector General), or has been investigated by a journalist (eg., newspaper article, journal). The marketing plan must include a cover page, reference page and must be completed using Microsoft PowerPoint. Please answer the following items in your marketing plan: Organizational Summary – Explain why the company is in trouble Analysis of the External Environment – (Public perception, economy) Threats and Opportunities Marketing Goals and Objectives The Target Market Competition – List possible competitors Marketing Strategy Action Programs (Marketing tactics) Budgets – How much money do you think this would cost? RUBRICS: 1.Marketing plan identifies key competitors, demographics, and technological opportunities. 31 (15.89743%) – 40 (20.51282%) Content meets objective with very minimal or no further clarification needed. 2.Marketing plan has a detailed strategy for changing the company’s image and establishing a corporate brand. 31 (15.89743%) – 40 (20.51282%) Content meets objective with very minimal or no further clarification needed. 3.Sentences have an easy flow with no grammatical errors. Proper APA format with clear sentence and logical structure. Minimum of 9 slides (not including title and reference slide) 30 (15.38461%) – 35 (17.94871%) The content is free of grammar/spelling errors with proper APA formatting. Slide count met or exceeded. 4.Adequately focused and organized SWOT Analysis. All components relate to the healthcare marketplace are clearly explained. 31 (15.89743%) – 40 (20.51282%) Content meets objective with very minimal or no further clarification needed. 5.Strong sequencing of ideas through well-developed paragraphs and thought-provoking sentences. 31 (15.89743%) – 40 (20.51282%) Content has good flow and meets objective. Information Marketing-Action Plan Creating a realistic plan of action is a vital component of any marketing campaign. The marketing plan must include a step-by-step outline that includes goals, budgets, target markets and a SWOT Analysis. The following excerpts provide a “breakdown” of a basic marketing strategy. Organizational Summary An organizational summary should provide an overview of the company and describe why the company is seeking a marketing strategy. Traditionally, healthcare organizations attempt to rebrand their image after receiving negative publicity. Negative publicity includes any HIPAA violations, sentinel events, fraud allegations or any attention that damages the company’s reputation. Threats & Opportunities In this section, you must highlight external factors that can prevent (Threats) the organization from successfully implementing their marketing strategy. This can include a negative public perception, competition, economy or local workforce. You must also highlight any chances (Opportunities) that can help the organization grow. For example, if you’re rebranding a company and realize there is a new technology (e.g., telemedicine system, electronic health record) that could improve productivity then you can list that item as an opportunity. When completing this section, please think of the SWOT Analysis process. Marketing Goals & Objectives It’s important to highlight the goals and objectives of the marketing campaign. For example, if you’re building a strategy for a hospital recently cited by the OIG (Office of Inspector General) then you may identify a possible goals as ensuring that fraudulent acts do not occur again. The following questions will guide you through this process: What is the company attempting to accomplish? How do they want to be viewed after the completion of the marketing campaign? Purpose of marketing strategy? Length of process (one year, five y…
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