1.Min of 150 words.
- What did freedom mean to African-Americans in the South after the Civil War?
- How did former slaveholders define their freedom and that of their former slaves?
- Discuss Radical Reconstruction as a Constitutional Revolution.
2. Read the information included in the Mississippi Black Codes. Once all reading is complete, respond to the following item(s):
During Reconstruction, Black Codes were enacted in several former states in the Confederacy. A Republican controlled Congress would later react to suppress these codes.
- What ultimately were these codes designed to do?
- Precisely how did the codes aim to accomplish these objectives?
3.Read the Emancipation Proclamation. Once all reading is complete, respond to the following items:
In early 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
- Why did Lincoln decide to issue the Proclamation at this particular time?
- What factors determined this decision?
- What did the President hope to gain?
- What were the limitations of the Proclamation, and what was its larger historical significance?
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