This week you learned about the incredible industrial, urban, and financial development of the United States during the final thirty years of the nineteenth century (i.e., the Gilded Age). Much of that development was concentrated in the northern and eastern sections of the country, and the tremendous level of development seemed to promise both domestic citizens and foreign immigrants that the United States of America was indeed the land of opportunity where anyone could achieve the American dream.

Unfortunately, the reality for many in the United States during this time was quite the opposite. Three primary sources (George Engel.pdf, The Life of Street Rats.pdf, and How the Other Half Lives.pdf) reveal the struggles that certain groups experienced during the final thirty years of the nineteenth century: foreign immigrants to the United States, the working class, and working-class children.

In this assignment, please respond to the bolded questions below by 6:00 PM on Tuesday, Oct. 8. Click the “Submit Assignment” button above to type in your response.

  • Regarding the primary source George Engel.pdf, who was George Engel and what hardships did he experience in the United States?
  • Regarding the primary source The Life of Street Rats.pdf, who were the “street rats,” and what hardships did they experience in the United States?
  • Regarding the primary source How the Other Half Lives.pdf, briefly describe how and where the other half lived in the United States.

This assignment will be worth 10 points and is graded on the following scale: 10 points, 8 points, 6 points, and 0 points. Please see the grading rubric for guidance on what is expected for full credit. Click the “snowman” icon (3 vertical dots in the upper left corner of the screen), then select “Show Rubric.” Mobile users: Click Grades, then click into the Discussion. The rubric can then be found on the Grades tab.).

Note the policy on “make-ups and late assignments” from the syllabus: “students who submit a primary source response late will incur a penalty of two points deducted from their total score for each day the assignment is late. Additionally, students who submit a primary source response late will not receive any instructor feedback.”

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