Complete a 3- to 4-page HIPAA Toolkit worksheet using the template provided. For each of the three vulnerabilities do the following:

  • Cross-reference the HSR Toolkit questions to specific security controls within NIST SP 800-53a (for example, for the Training question within the HSR Toolkit, the corresponding security controls within NIST SP 800-53a would be within the Awareness and Training Control Family (AT)).
  • Use NIST SP 800-30 to accurately calculate the risks for each vulnerability.
  • For each vulnerability correctly describe how each selected question from the HSR Toolkit can help reduce the risks associated with the vulnerability.
  • Paste the screenshots into the worksheet.

All references need to adhere to APA guidelines.

I have the Vulnerabilities done and the HRS toolkit Questions done but could use some help with the rest of it.

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