Writing Prompts

Analysis of Verbal, Written and Non-verbal Cultural Practices of One of Your Chosen Cultural
1. What is the practice for standard communication within the culture? What are the social
norms for written and oral interactions?
2. What role does social media play within the culture?
3. How does the culture view body language and movements? (Some things to research
would be meanings and context for whistling, wringing hands, bowed posture, twiddling
thumbs, steepled hands, sprawling sitting positions, rubbing hands through hair, open
hands, unbuttoned suit jacket, tugging ears, etc.)
4. How do employers in each culture view casual attire? What is the acceptance of casual
dress in the business environment?
5. How does each culture view self-expression of tattoos and piercings? What type of
nonverbal clues do body adornments send?
6. How do gestures play a role in communication within the culture? Consider the ones
discussed in our text along with the fingertip kiss, nose thumb, eyelid pull, nose tap, head
shake, etc.
Analysis of Verbal, Written and Non-verbal Cultural Practices of Your Second Chosen
Cultural Cluster
7. What is the practice for standard communication within the culture? What are the social
norms for written and oral interactions?
8. What role does social media play within the culture?

9. How does the culture view body language and movements? (Some things to research
would be meanings and context for whistling, wringing hands, bowed posture, twiddling
thumbs, steepled hands, sprawling sitting positions, rubbing hands through hair, open
hands, unbuttoned suit jacket, tugging ears, etc.)
10. How do employers in each culture view casual attire? What is the acceptance of casual
dress in the business environment?
11. How does each culture view self-expression of tattoos and piercings? What type of
nonverbal clues do body adornments send?
12. How do gestures play a role in communication within the culture? Consider the ones
discussed in our text along with the fingertip kiss, nose thumb, eyelid pull, nose tap, head
shake, etc.

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