Objectives:To become familiar with Grammarly.com for effective communication
To practice analytical writing by using specific compare and contrast verbs
To compare two different cultural clusters by analyzing the verbal, written as well as non-verbal cultural practices
To compare two different cultural clusters by analyzing their business practices
To practice the theory of effective writing by continual rewriting
To understand the importance of completing a research paper in a systematic process
To use the CIA World Factbook as a resource
1.Continue Research Paper 3 immediately following Research Paper 2.You only need one cover page, one table of contents, on reference page, etc. This is known as continuous pagination. See the example posted for you.
2.Answer the 11writing prompts which follow in this document for each of your two chosen cultures.
3.Use at least 10 of these specific compare and contrast verbs in your paper: evaluate, differentiate, compare, argue, question, distinguish, assess, convince, deduce, point out, summarize, estimate, rank, debate, decide, calculate, dissect, critique, distinguish, order, and decide
3.Highlight each of the 10 specific verbs in your paper in green.See example.
4.Highlight the subtitles in your paper in yellow.See example.
5.Highlight your four sources in blue.See example.
6.Include a reference page
7.Include a table of contents page
8.Include a cover/title page
9.Cite six credible sources including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook.
10.Address all feedback given to you by your instructor on research papers 1 and 2 when writing paper 3.
Writing Prompts
Analysis of Business Ethical Practices of One of Your Chosen Cultural Clusters
1.How does the culture view business gifts, gratuities, kickbacks?
2.Is it acceptable to provide gifts, just to get business from a company?
3.How do employers view nepotism?
4.Is it acceptable to hire family members over more qualified applicants?
5.How does the culture view the amount of money spent on entertainment within business?
6.Is it acceptable to spend thousands of dollars to attend sporting venues or play in golf tournaments in order to gain business within the culture?
7.What are common practices to gain business within the culture?
8.How does the culture view bribery within business practices?
9.How do personal beliefs and religion affect business within the culture?
10.How does gender play in business roles within the culture?
11.What are the common practices to gain business within the culture?
Analysis of Business Ethical Practices of One of Your Chosen Cultural Clusters
1.How does the culture view business gifts, gratuities, kickbacks?
2.Is it acceptable to provide gifts, just to get business from a company?
3.How do employers view nepotism?
4.Is it acceptable to hire family members over more qualified applicants?
5.How does the culture view the amount of money spent on entertainment within business?
6.Is it acceptable to spend thousands of dollars to attend sporting venues or play in golf tournaments in order to gain business within the culture?
7.What are common practices to gain business within the culture?
8.How does the culture view bribery within business practices?
9.How do personal beliefs and religion affect business within the culture?
10.How does gender play in business roles within the culture?
11.What are the common practices to gain business within the culture?
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