In-class Assignment Four
- Suppose the scores on a recent exam in your statistics class were as follows: 78, 95, 60, 93, 55, 84, 76, 92, 62, 83, 80, 90, 64, 75, 79, 32, 75, 64, 98, 73, 88, 61, 82, 68, 79, 78, 80, 85.
- Create a stemplot for these test scores using each 10a value once on the stem.
- Create a stemplot for these test scores using each 10 values twice on the stem.
- Compare the stemplots created in parts (a) and (b). Are any features of the data apparent in one of them but not the other one? Explain.
- Refer to the previous test scores.
- Create a histogram for the test scores.
- Explain how you decided how many intervals to use for the historgram.
- Comment on the shape of the histogram.
- Refer to the previous test scores.
- Find the median for the test scores.
- Find the mean for the test scores and compare to the median. Which one is larger, and why?
- Find the standard deviation for the test score.
- Do you think the standard deviation would be smaller or larger if the test score of 32 were to be removed from the data?
- Refer to the previous test scores.
- Create a five number summary.
- Create a boxplot.
- The test score of 32 should have been identified as an outlier. Which of the three reasons would you use to explain this outlier? Should the outlier be removed when a description of the test scores presented?
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