Hi , please answer the following questions , also I have attached the book you may need it .
you will find book on this link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UoCdQta-f0lg_ym9_wYlwCNXNAsY8QLH/view
Section I ( for this section answer each question up to 4 sentence )
Directions: Be able to identify each of the people/objects/places/terms/events below. In a short answer, explain why are they significant and how they influenced Early Western History?
- Socrates
- The Republic
- Aristophanes
- Cimon
- Herodotus
- Hoplite
- Thermopylae
- Mytilene
- Ostraca
- The Troads
- The Pythia
- Doric
- Fertile Crescent
- Marathon
- Arētē
- Helots
- Magnae Graecia
- The Parthenon
- Alcibiades
- Alexandria
Section II ( for this section answer each question at least 125 words ).
Directions: Be prepared to answer the following questions. Answer the question completely and include some discussion of primary sources, where appropriate, to support your answer.
- How did the geographic landscape of the Greeks influence their society?
- Discuss the importance of Greek drama on our understanding of events and politics during the Golden Age of Athens.
- Discuss the importance of the hoplite.
- Do you think Periclean Athens can be considered a Golden Age?
- Explain the concept of arētē as portrayed in the Iliad and how it shaped Greek culture.?
- How did Alexander the Great’s conquests alter the political and cultural landscape of the Afro-Eurasian world? Was he truly ‘Great’?
- Discuss the major philosophies developing in Greece.
- Describe the development of democracy in Athens and the problems of imperialism.
NOTE: Just answer these questions you don’t have to write sources .
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