For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation about the lessons learned from an incident that has occurred within the last 15 years within your local community or home state.

The PowerPoint presentation should cover the areas listed below.

  1. Identify an incident that has occurred in your local area or home state within the last 15 years (human-made, natural, or technological).
  2. Summarize the incident.
  3. Explain what agencies responded at the federal, state, and local levels and how available resources may have supported the jurisdictional procedures.
  4. Analyze how first responders interacted with other agencies during the incident and how the National Incident Management System (NIMS) may or may not have been used.
  5. Describe what lessons were learned from the incident based on first responders’ interactions.
  6. Discuss any future considerations for responding to these types of incidents.

Support your PowerPoint presentation with images or graphics, and include at least two resources. Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of six slides in length (not counting the title and reference slides) and must follow APA style for references and citations.

Click here to access a helpful tutorial that discusses PowerPoint best practices.
Click here to access the transcript for the tutorial.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.

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