Again, it should be emphasized that this exercises are not about teaching “web design” or “web programming” in general; instead we are just using the browser as a “platform” for our actual scripts… and that the creation and execution of these scripts requires no tools above and beyond what you likely already have installed on any machine… a web browser and a text editor.


Create a Guess The Number (Higher / Lower) Game, based on the instructions below, where the computer tries to guess the number YOU are thinking. Note: the “Design” is up to you as long as it meets the minimal requirements as stated in the instructions.


  1. A “game set-up” area that is displayed first.
    • Before displaying the main “game” area:
      • Show 2 “input” fields on the screen where the user the user can tell the computer the “range” of numbers to choose from. For Example:
        I am thinking of a number between and .
      • An “input” field where the user can choose the maximum number of computer guesses. For Example:
        Maximum Computer Guesses: .
      • A “button” labelled “Start Game”
        • When this button is clicked, the games moves on to Step 2 below.
  2. The main “game” screen
    • An output “span” on the screen indicating the current guess number.
      • Example: Guess Number: 1
    • An output “span” (where the computer indicates it’s guess of your number.
      • Example: Are you thinking of the number: 50?
    • Three Buttons where the user (player) will indicate “Higher” or “Lower” or “Correct”
    • Notes:
      • The computer should display a message (either directly on the screen or in the form of an alert box) indicating that the human must be “cheating” if the human responses are “impossible”.
        • For example, if the user just keeps clicking “Higher”, meaning that the number would have to exceed 100!
      • The computer should display a message (either directly on the screen or in the form of an alert box) if the maximum number of guesses has been exceeded. For Example:
        Sorry, I could not guess your number within 5 guesses.
      • If guessed correctly, the computer should display a final message indicating how many guesses it took to correctly guess your number.
  3. The game should be broken up into two separate files, a .html and a .js file containing the HTML for the page and the JavaScript, respectively.


  • All HTML and JS files packaged into a single .ZIP file. (THIS IS IMPORTANT!)


        <!-- The Code For the page -->
        <script src="Lab2.js"></script>

        <div id="DIV_SETUP">
            <!-- Instructions / Setup -->
            <p>I'm Thinking of a number between 
                <input ID="USER_LOW_VALUE" size="3"> 
                <input id="USER_HIGH_VALUE" size="3">.

                Maximum Number of Computer Guesses: 
                <input ID="COMPUTER_MAX_GUESSES" size="3">.
            <button id="START_GAME" onclick="startGame()">Start Game!</button>

        <!-- NOTE: the "hidden" property can really be anything that is not "false",
        while setting hidden='true' works just in HTML5, 
        hidden='hidden' is common for support of older browsers. -->        
        <div id="DIV_PLAYAREA" hidden='hidden'>
            <!-- Game Play Area -->
            Guess Number: <span id="GUESS_NUM"></span> of <span id="GUESS_LIMIT"></span> <br>
            Are you thinking of the number: <span id="COMP_GUESS">50</span><br>

            <button id="BUTTON_HIGHER"  onclick="handleUserChoice(this)">Higher</button>
            <button id="BUTTON_LOWER"   onclick="handleUserChoice(this)">Lower</button>
            <button id="BUTTON_CORRECT" onclick="handleUserChoice(this)">Correct</button>



/* "OBJECT" to store all of the relevant game data. */
var gameData = {
    userMinRange: null,       // The lower bound of initial range picked by the player
    userMaxRange: null,       // The lower bound of initial range picked by the player
    maxGuessAllowed: null,    // The Maximum number of guessed picked by the player.
    highestGuessSoFar: null,  // The upper Bound of what the computer will choose
    lowestGuessSoFar: null,   // The lower bound of what the computer will choose
    guessesSoFar: null,       // The Number of guesses made by the computer so far.
    lastComputerGuess: null   // The last guess made by the computer.

/* Start the game */
function startGame() {
    // TODO: Populate the Object with the values from the DIV_SETUP.    
    // TODO: Hide the SET_UP Area
    // TODO: Show the Play Area.

    // Update the game data values.
	gameData.userMinRange    = get("USER_LOW_VALUE");
	gameData.userMaxRange    = get("USER_HIGH_VALUE");
	gameData.maxGuessAllowed = get("COMPUTER_MAX_GUESSES");
	gameData.guessesSoFar    = 1;

    // Hide the setup area and show the play area
    document.getElementById("DIV_SETUP").hidden = true;
    document.getElementById("DIV_PLAYAREA").hidden = false;
    // Update the screen values shown to the user
    // Just for debugging, so we can see the values as they change in the console.
/* Function (to be) called when game is finally over.
 * For example: Disable play buttons and display the number of guesses made. */
function endGame() {
    // TODO: Whatever should be displayed to the user upon game completion.   
    // HINT: This could "disable" the user play buttons so they cannot be clicked anymore,
    //       prompt the user to play again, etc.
/* Have the computer make a guess. */
function makeComputerGuess() {
    // TODO: Have the computer make a guess and update the last Guess made.
	//       i.e., gameData.lastComputerGuess
    // HINT: this function should date the highestGuessSoFar, lowestGuessSoFar, and lastComputerGuess
/* Update the Play Area with the new values. */
function updatePlayArea() {
	//TODO: Add all of the "set" functions to update the play area of the screen for all of the relevant elements.
    set("GUESS_NUM", gameData.guessesSoFar);
	set("GUESS_LIMIT", gameData.maxGuessAllowed);
/* Function to handle the users button click and call the other functions above as necessary. */
function handleUserChoice(theButton) {
//   TODO (potentially before *OR* after the "if" block):
//        - Respond to the users choice.
//			- Make next guess if necessary (at the appropriate time)
//				- End the game if the game should be over.
//        - Update the screen playarea at the appropriate time. 
//        - Handle the number of guesses being >= the max allowed.
    if ( === "BUTTON_HIGHER") {
        // TODO: Handle Higher Button
    } else if ( === "BUTTON_LOWER") {
        // TODO: Handle Lower Button
    } else {
        // TODO: HANDLE CORRECT (What happens when the user clicks correct?)
/* ****************************************************** */

/* FROM: 
 * #Getting_a_random_integer_between_two_values_inclusive 
 * */
function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
    min = Math.ceil(min);
    max = Math.floor(max);
    //The maximum is inclusive and the minimum is inclusive
    var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; 

    return randomNumber;
/* A Function to aid in debugging which just shows all of the gameData values.
 * NOTE: It can be removed once the development is complete. */
function DEBUG_ShowGameData() {
    for (var item in gameData) {
        // Test of ItemPropertyName = ItemPropertyValue
        var message = item + " = " + gameData[item];
/* Get the contents (value or innerHTML ) of an element on a page
   based it's ID.  Throws an exception if the element ID does not exist.  
   NOTE: The will usually be in "String" form. (numbers would need to be "parsed". */
function get(theObjectId) {

    // If the Id is invalid this could all fail, so be prepared if it does!
    try {
        // Get the page element
        var thePageElement = document.getElementById(theObjectId);

        // If the page element has a value, use it.
        if (thePageElement.value) {
            return thePageElement.value;
        } else {
            return thePageElement.innerHTML;
    } catch (theError) {
        // A "Template Literal" where the value theObjectId is placed into the string.
        let errMessage = `Element "${theObjectId}" does not exist.n${theError.message}`;

        // Alert and log

        // Throw a "new" error to prevent the program from continuing to run.
        throw errMessage;
/* Same as above, but for setting... */
function set(theObjectId, theNewContents) {

    // If the Id is invalid this could all fail, so be prepared if it does!
    try {
        // Get the page element
        let thePageElement = document.getElementById(theObjectId);

        // If the page element has a value, use it.
        if (thePageElement.value)
            thePageElement.value = theNewContents;
            thePageElement.innerHTML = theNewContents;

    } catch (theError) {
        // A "Template Literal" where the value theObjectId is placed into the string.
        let errMessage = `Element "${theObjectId}" does not exist.n${theError.message}`;

        // Alert and log

        // Throw a "new" error to prevent the program from continuing to run.
        throw errMessage;

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