ISBN-13: 978-1285438597 Part E. (75 Words) Using “Listening More Than Meets The Ear” (Chapter 8) in Looking Out, Looking In as a framework, do you agree or disagree with the established guidelines? Can you think of a situation where the guidelines were not helpful? Part F. (3-4 Pages) We have conflict all around us. Refer to the concepts in Looking Out Looking In (LOLI) and Becoming a Critical Thinker (BCT).  For this assignment, you will select a social issue and write a 3-4 page paper in APA format (not including your title or references page) with a focus on Interpersonal Communication, Managing Conflict, and Listening.  Additionally, you will provide a minimum of five references to be used as paraphrased text (not quotes) to support your points in your paper (include in-text citations and references for each source). Part G. (11 Slides) We have conflict all around us. Refer to the concepts in Looking Out Looking In (LOLI) and Becoming a Critical Thinker (BCT).  For this assignment, you will take the social issue you wrote about last week and turn it into an 11 slide Powerpoint Presentation. ? For this presentation, you will select one slide design in PowerPoint that you like. ? Use only the fonts, font sizes, colors, and background/background color provided in that template.  Let Microsoft be your slide designer! ? Each slide should have 6-8 bullet points of text used to describe each of the concepts you wrote about above.  There should be no long paragraphs of text copied and pasted on the slides. ? Limit images to the cover page.  It would make sense to use an image on the cover page. That would be fine. ? Remember, the task here is to provide an informational summary of your paper in the form of a presentation.

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