The first portion of the course focuses on the presence and use of groups in Organizational Management. Using the text Larson & La Fasto, (1989) Teamwork, what must go right/ what can go wrong as your foundation, write a critical analysis of the strengths and opportunities for improvement identified in your small group work.

Remember, in APA style, to lead with a brief abstract composed after your write the paper. State in the introduction succinctly your conclusions and key learning points. Build your content by answering the Critical Analysis components of Who, What, When, Where (descriptive); the Why, Why not, What If (analytical) ; and the So What, What Is Next (evaluative) components. Conclude with a restatement of the salient points to take away from your analysis. Following the grading process, several of these works will be posted for the class to review.

We expect approximately 500 focused words.

Book & an example from my classmate are attached.

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