Please submit the example gif you made in class or after.

A) Please come to class with a few ideas (5-10), sketch them out visually, write notes as reference


Method A/ steps in photoshop:

Open a new document in PS (for print with 72 resolution)

Create and prepare your layers


In timeline click on “Create Frame Animation”

On the top right corner on the timeline hit the four stacked lines(option button) and click on “Make frames from layers”

Set the duration of each fame and looping effects

File —> Export to —> Save for web (make sure GIF is selected) —> Save

Method B/ For stacking external files steps in photoshop:

prepare files in a different platforms such as Illustrator

Open photoshop


File—> Scripts —> Load files to Stack (choose your saved layers/files to stack)

In timeline click on “Create Frame Animation”

On the top right corner on the timeline hit the four stacked lines and click on “Make frames from layers”

Set the duration of each fame and looping

File —> Export to —> Save for web (make sure GIF is selected) —> Save


For inspiration to your in-class gif, please see below some of the creative approaches in simple gifs.

Loading icon cubeLoading icon four squareLoading icon rubik's cubeLoading icon rectangle square dotsLoading icon tetris gameloading icon snake gameloading icon suffling rubik's cubeLoading icon rotating circlesloading icon fadein faceout circlesrotating two circles loaderLoading icon revolving circleshangout loader iconloading icon zoom in zoom out circlesLoading icon bouncing circleloading icon kinetic rotation circle crossgoogle like loaderloading icon conectric circles fading out

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